Sunday, December 7, 2008

Access to Life

Access to Life is a moving photo-essay about AIDS and retroviral medication in 9 developing countries, shot by eight Magnum Photographers (Magnum is a photographic cooperative).

As the Metafilter commenters noted, the flash is super annoying and it takes a suuuuuper long time to load and watch, but the photos are top-notch and the message is worth it. 

More about the project from its website:

     "In the early 1990s, when antiretroviral drugs became available, AIDS was transformed from a certain death sentence to a manageable, chronic disease–but only for some. The expense of the drugs and their distribution prevented 95 percent of those living with HIV from getting access to them. International outrage that millions were dying because of economic disparity helped reduce drug prices, and also helped to create the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in 2002. Through the Global Fund and the U.S. President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief, the world began to invest in a massive roll out of antiretroviral treatment in more than 100 developing countries.

Doctors and health care workers around the world have adapted complicated procedures to settings where people often could not access even the most basic care. Already, millions of lives that otherwise might have been lost are being saved. Equally important, providing treatment is becoming a central part of the efforts to prevent further spread of the disease.

(From Metafilter)

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