Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bill Gates: How I'm trying to change the world now

Bill Gates: How I'm trying to change the world now is a TED talk by Bill Gates and what he plans to do with his massive amount of money. 

Right off the bat, Bill Gates states that he does not believe the market naturally drives scientists, communicators, governments to do the right things. There are important problems that don't get worked on, that can only get solved when enough brilliant people who care hop on the band-wagon. 

I don't know why, but it makes me feel much better that a man with Bill Gates' wealth shares the same opinions as I do about how the world and its markets operate, even if it's only on this small point.  I mean, I suppose he could have been a hands-off libertarian and kept all of his 'puter money to himself. But instead, he wants to take his money and cure malaria and improve education in America. HEAR HEAR! 

Bednets and books for everyone, Bill. You go. 

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