Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Master the Internet

Today, the Internet produced all sorts of crazy-rad things. It was really hard to pick the most awesome thing on the net today, but Master of the Internet won in part to balance out the week with more videos.

Master the Internet (MTI) is a spoof video directed by Peter Atencio. In it, Dale Cossanigan Jr. (sp?) time-travels back to 1994 and teaches mastery of the Internet. In this helpful video, you learn Internet secrets such as what A/S/L/#/Z means, as well as real-world factoids such as "the capital of Dallas is 73 degrees with the lows of 42." The awkward phrasing is almost as atrocious as the weakling mustache and therapist glasses.

The 80's corporate-training-video music combined with the Napoleon Dynamite cinematography places this on the so-bad-it's-good category. I love it.

MTI is from the TBS Networks venture SuperDeluxe.com, a site which strives to bring "television-quality" comedy video to the Interwebs. SuperDeluxe juxtaposes big names of funny alongside "comic geniuses waiting to be discovered at their day jobs." They will purportedly help propel you to Interwebs stardom if you have the comedic chops and a fast Internet connection (don't ask how, just put on your helmet and cape and get inside that canon. Wheee!). Enjoy learning about the Internets.

(From Wikipedia and Lauhging Squid, which was hilarious today.)

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